Welcome to the NW Clinical Senate’s Annual Report for 2023/24. Over the last year the NHS has faced unrelenting increases in service demand in part driven by substantial challenges to population health imposed by the Covid19 pandemic. In addition, ongoing industrial action, workforce ill health and significant elective backlogs have driven unprecedented service pressures within urgent and emergency, primary, community and social care together with elective and specialist services. All of this has coincided with substantial system reorganisation following the creation of Integrated Care Systems, many of which are still finding their feet in unstable economic and operational conditions. In the NW, we have also seen high profile reviews and inquiries into some of the worst imaginable failings of care and treatment for some of society’s most vulnerable people.

Yet amid the gloom and despite these challenges, I continue to be inspired and re-invigorated by the unwavering commitment and resilience of professional colleagues working across the health and care system who strive daily to provide the best possible care and treatment for patients, their families and carers. Their ability to deal compassionately with service pressures while keeping people central to care is truly remarkable. Both in my own clinical practise and the work of the NW Clinical Senate, the professionalism, dedication and spirit of collaboration among colleagues is what makes the NHS such a great place to work.

We are pleased to publish our NW Clinical Senate Annual Report 2022/23. The pressures in the health and care system have been unrelenting over the last 12 months. Thankfully the commitment of our NW Clinical Senate members is equally unrelenting! They continue to demonstrate an outstanding and admirable commitment to supporting major service change, ensuring that the best possible services are provided to our patients and public. Our report is concise to make it quick and easy to read, but you will find numerous links to further information contained within if required.

Welcome to the first NW Clinical Senate Annual Report covering the period April 2019 to March 2022. Our work was formally paused in March 2020 due to the Covid19 pandemic, with staff redeployed to support the NHSE response. This has resulted in an Annual Report spanning three financial years instead of one, and incorporates work undertaken by the former Greater Manchester, Lancs & South Cumbria and Cheshire & Merseyside Clinical Senates which were formally merged into a single Clinical Senate for the North West of England in March 2021. 

To find out further information and to read the full report please access the link below.

NW Clinical Senate Report (2019/2022)